Friday, 16 October 2015

Narrative blog task.

Narrative Blog task:

There are three key narrative theories we need to learn as part of AS Media. The notes as a reminder:

Narrative patterns:
Linear Pattern: progresses forward towards a resolution - Beginning, Middle and End.
Multi-strand Narrative: popular in broadcast TV (e.g. soaps) and film. Involves more than one narrative running parallel involving different characters and locations.
Documentary narrative: this may revolve round a central theme (e.g. troublesome neighbours) or group of people.

Long-running TV series such as Breaking Bad or The Wire have one major narrative and lots of mini-narratives. The major narrative runs over the series, the mini narrative may be resolved within an episode.

Narrative theories:
When studying narrative in Media, we need to be able to identify what the story is and how it is being told. There are three key theories we need to learn and apply:

Enigma and Action Codes - Roland Barthes:
Barthes suggested that stories have certain codes that audiences understand and respond to.

ENIGMA codes: control how much we know and help hold our interest. It creates mystery during the narrative.

ACTION codes: events or actions in the story that are important in developing the narrative, e.g. a gun being cocked signifies that a violent scene will follow.

Todorov: Equilibrium
Tzvetan Todorov proposed a theory of equilibrium:

Equilibrium: An existing state of harmony.
Disequilibrium: Equilibrium is disrupted by an unfortunate event or evil character which leads to a chain of events involving conflict.
New Equilibrium: The evil forces are defeated, the conflict is resolved and harmony exists once more.

Character theory: Propp
Vladimir Propp came up with a list of stock characters in narratives by examining Russian fairytales. He called them the seven spheres of action:

The Villain: Creates a complication in the narrative
The Donor: Gives the hero something that will help in the resolution
The Helper: Helps the hero in restoring the resolution
The Princess: Has to be saved by the hero
The Dispatcher: Sends the hero on a task
The Hero: Central protagonist, saves the day and restores equilibrium
The False Hero: Rare character that appears to be good but is revealed to have been bad all along

1) Choose three clips from YouTube and embed them in your blog - one from film, one from TVand one of your choice:

Todorov's equilibrium; Propp's stock characters:

In the music video the protagonist and  can be scene dressed in all white with a long unkept beard. Some would say he has some characteristics that would be compatible with Jesus Christ. Because of this he has developed some powers and decided to go round giving people what they wished for. This gives him the right to be named the The Helper(: Helps the hero in restoring the resolution) that he is has earned as he is going a round blessing people. 

However, because people have wished for things like a ("I wish for a drink") he then gives them alcohol - he gives police officers alcohol - while on duty. They then try to detail some criminals and fail. because of this he has also earned the name of The False Hero(: Rare character that appears to be good but is revealed to have been bad all along)

In this scene from the channel BBC 1 is the well established soap that has been showing the show for more that 30 years which is Eastenders, a frequent villain throughout the years is arguing with his brothers. Derrick is shouting agressively at his brothers about a recent event that hasn't been shown in the clip. While this was happening Derrick - the main protagonist throughout this scene as EastEnders doesn't have a main character - was coughing and groaning. This enigma code was shurgged off by the audience as he has always had medical conditions.
 The disequilibrium resulted in Derrick having a heart attack while walking off slamming doors. The audience do not realise the last enigma code derrick will ever do. As after this he dies. The audience then fines out that Derrick and his brothers are all the villains that have caused conflict throughout.Because of this, having them all a group arguing is part of a Documentary narrative(: this may revolve round a central theme (e.g. troublesome neighbours) or group of people) but Derrick being killed is the Multi-strand Narrative:( popular in broadcast TV (e.g. soaps) and film. Involves more than one narrative running parallel involving different characters and locations.)

Friday, 9 October 2015

Cool Brands Homework

 I personally like McLaren because of their wide range of exotic and  fast cars. Their brand values are to provide people with high performance cars that are technologically perfect as was shown by the launch of the mp4-12c. McLaren are known for having one of the most superior race cars. They also sponsor Lewis Hamilton  - an award winning F1 Racer. I think they made it onto the cool brands list because of their formula 1 team as they do really well in F1 racing and improvements over they years.

Apple was created in the early 1970's by Steve Jobs and two other co workers. 
Apple's brand values would relate to opportunity and access success as they aim their products for people of the rich, luxurious lifestyles as they deliver high end, well marketed beautiful technological products.Not only this companies such as 02 and the times (newspaper) use apple technology as they feel it is the best in the market. This brand may have made it to the list as it is the most valued brand to date and is the most popular worldwide, everyone wants an apple product. I chose this brand as I am personally a strong apple consumer and prefer apple software such as IOS  over competitors such as KitKat. Over the years Apple has been named the innovators of inventions as what ever they create whether it has been done before still feels brand new and strong to the name. 

Virgin was founded by Richard Branson in the late 1980s.
Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Broadband  continues to present themselves with the pride of being a travel 'super brand' . This is because not only do first class flights all over the world that go to over 300 airports but they also have one of the leading internet providers in the United Kingdom which is Virgin Broadband. Virigin broadband is sponsored by Usain Bolt. The fastest 100m sprinter in the world currently. This is to show how fast their internet is. Not only this, I think it deserves to go on the cool brand website because it is available to everyone around the world and anyone of any age.

Mercedes-Benz's are a well established car manufacturer which make high class cars for any specific type of person, ranging from an A Class to a G wagon. They also give people the choice to customise their own car on the website to their needs. This gives the customer the opinion that Mercedes-Benz care about every little detail to help please the . They also promote really 'class' brand values and they always try to promote their brand as a very prestige brand. Because of this, they are known as the business man's car as many powerful people drive Mercedes.

I personally like wearing Nike as they have a lot of clothes that are fashionable but are easy to wear especially their t-shirt and trainers range. Not only this, they are known for their shoe range most famously their "Jordan's" collection (After Michael Jordan the famous basketball player) as they were the game changers in the past years. Their brand values are to provide people with sports clothes that can better their performance in sports. I think they made it onto the cool brands website because they are worn by a lot of people especially in their teenage years.

Feedback from Mr Halsey About My Blog:

Mr Halsey's feedback:

WWW: I've been impressed this year with your attendance and engagement despite taking the course for a second time – that was a major concern for me and your first month has been very good in lessons.

EBI: However, Your blogs are not right. This year, you need two blogs – one for each side of the course. I honestly think your best bet is to create two completely new blogs so you’re not tempted to re-post work when the going gets tough. Your MEST1 blog will contain all the work for me and MEST2 everything for Mr Bush. Sort this out as a matter of urgency so we can then easily check you are keeping up with all the tasks.

LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. 
What is your strongest piece of work so far? 
What is your weakest?
What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

1.)What is your strongest piece of work so far?
My strongest piece of work is the homework and class work. We had to complete the  100-10-1 (Dyer's Lines of appeal) Homework task Which is basically where you look at a brand or a company and discuss what you associate and think about when the brand is mentioned. This was difficult because I chose some brands I didn't know much about and still went on and exceeded what was asked. 

2.)What is your weakest?
My weakest piece of writing is the Introduction to Media task. This is only because I didn't have much to say as I had covered what I had needed in minimal words. This is because it was the first task of the year and I wasn't as motivated as I am today. 

3.)What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
Over the course of the next year I need to learn how to develop my points with the correct vocabulary in the sense that I am not using the right media terminology. I can improve on this and develop in what it needs to be by writing down all the points that have been said and taking note on the key words. To add on to this, I am going to start highlighting key words that are important so I can refer to them later. 

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Media Task Sheet (Questionnaire)

  • Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?

If I was to read a newspaper ( I Don't because I prefer to read it online) I would either read the Daily Mail or The evening standard. This is because these newspapers support both sides and from there I can form my own opinion. 

  • What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?

I Usually read the sports at the back or the front 14 pages. I don't know why but I like reading about the people with problems. Makes me feel better. 

  • What sections do you never read, and why?

I never read the jokes because they usually make me cringe or wish I didn't buy the paper at all. 

  • What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
Like Isaid before Iusually read the part where people are complaining or moaning as to me, that is the most humorous part.

  • Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read? 
Sometimes its in the schools library or on the seat on the bus. I occasionally buy it. Depends where I'm going, who with and for how long.  


  • What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why?
I don't buy magazines.However, when I was 10 I used to buy "PlayStation Weekly"


  • Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?              
Too Much.
  • What times of day do you usually watch television? 
From 7.30 am - 7.45 am, 6.30pm - 11.00pm (with intervals in between times)
  • What programmes do you like best and why?
Comedy and documentary. This is because although I like a laugh, I like to learn and documentaries are interesting.
  • Do you watch alone or with others?
Alone and with others. depends on what time. 
  • If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
EastEnders or Simpsons. 


  • What films, if any, have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
Bad Neighbours, Inbetweeners 2.
  • What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
Bad neighbours, 7 Phsycopaths, Skyfall, Tarzan (Via Netflix)
  • Who else watched the films with you?
Me mostly. Sometimes my little brother.
  • Who decided what films to watch?
Me. My Netflix. My Call.


  • How often do you access the internet?
Through My Phone, My Laptop, My Tablet, My PS3,4 and Computer.
  • Where do you access the internet?  At home, at college or school, or at work?
Home, School and on the go. 
  • What are the main sites that you access?
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google And TMZ
  • What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
Mostly entertainment.  But sometimes I communicate with friends or make online purchases
  • What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
Listen to music, Talk to friends, Play Playstation.

Monday, 5 October 2015

100-10-1 Task + Homework

Audi: Professionalism.
Audi is an interesting brand because at first glance you see a company that produces products for people that have rich and successful careers but then after sitting in a car or using a product. You still feel as if it is made for people that have rich and successful careers. Its brand values would probably be marketed around luxury and space. Audi is for people who most likely have a family and work in a high paying job. People from the A/B demographic would most likely own an Audi. These people fall under the category of elites and experts.

Audi is about indulgence and personality without hassle. 

Waitrose: Premium.
Waitrose is part of the John Lewis conglomerate; a chain of department stores operating throughout Great Britain. As they are very pricey selling some products at nearly 50% more than what their competitors does, Rich, luxurious lifestyles are who they cater for. People who shop at Waitrose often bring their own bag (Waitrose premium bag) which means they fit in the “Nature & the natural world” line of appeal. This is because they are coming prepared and does not need to worry about bagging later which will in turn help the environment as they are not using bags.

Waitrose is about prestigious health appropriate delicacy and drinks. 

Asda: Cost-effective.

Asda is part of the chain brand Walmart which is owned by billionaires Sam and Dough Walton. Despite of this, Walmart’s line of appeal is "Happy Families". This is because Walmart stores are stocked with a variety of products such as Laptop and televisions for teenagers to Barbie’s and Bratz for young kids. Asda’s line of appeal falls under Successful careers as people that shop there are usually above the ABCD demographic - finding people that earn well over £20,000. Not only this, Self-importance & pride is one as they offer cash back on your daily shop in comparison to Tesco’s.

Asda is about good wholesome food at a cost effective price.

London 2012 Olympics: Elitism.
The 2012 Olympics is interesting because it is not only an event that prestigious elite people attend it’s also an event watched and performed by elite people. Some of the competitors in the Olympics are the best athletes in the sport meaning a lot of work has gone to get them to where they are. The Olympics is associated with a few lines of appeal: Art, culture & history, Successful careers and Self-importance & pride. Because the Olympics is usually hosted in a country around the world it usually has over one billion people view it.

The Olympics is focused on the pride of the nations. 

Starbucks: Originality.
The Starbucks brand has sparked interest because although its target audience is successful businessmen/women the people who drink it are teenage girls studying at school. Its brand values would be about quality, lifestyle and a personal touch. This is because Starbucks was the first place to write a customer’s name on the coffee itself giving it a feel that no other coffee outlet has created before giving them a sense of uniqueness. To add on to this Starbucks is a popular date place so Successful romance and love would fit in the lines of appeal.

An unoriginal product with an original feel that still caters to the masses. 

Innocent Smoothies: Healthy.
Personally, I would associate Innocent Smoothies with being rich and luxurious lifestyles as the drink itself is not full of additives and or unhealthy stuff that other drinks such as coke cherry - which is still made by the same company (Coca Cola Brand) - has inside of it. Not only this, I feel like it is part of the Happy families line of appeal because in the adverts they are usually surrounded by a picnic table with a family drinking out of it. However, because I know and understand that Coca Cola brand has manufactured the drink I personally think its lines of appeal and their brand values change. This is because Coca Cola and the drinks they have made have led to an increase in medical problems such as heart diseases and tooth decay. 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Research homework

1.) ITV has currently one of the longest running soaps on British television (Coronation street). 
2.) ITV is world wide, having television shows such as BGT and xFaxtor (not owned by the ITV) show aired wherever you can access a television box.
3.) Although,there is no more analog channel TVs only, ITV was one of the first 5 television shows being aired via channels 1-5

1.)The BBC is viewed by the general public as neither right wing not left wing because both groups argue that is in favour of the opponent.
2.)The BBC is accessed by millions of people in the U.K who pay TV license to watch live broadcasting of television shows on various platforms such as iPlayer and on TV
3.)Although a large population of the channel BBC3 is young and tech Savi, the closing of BBC3 to be shown on channels such as 115 has not be taken in very well by the general public. 

1.) BSKYB or more commonly known to the mass as "Sky" is owned by business mogel 'Rupert Murdoch'. 
2.) Sky's largest competitor for its television channels / sports channels are BTsport. This is because they revert purchased a large number of games that sky used to premier while it was being played. At better rates and better quality. 
3.) Sky has be known to be truthful to its audience; letting them know when an estsblishment that is linked to Sky has been go bad press. An example of this is the News of The World phone hacking scandle.

Trinity Mirror:
1.) trinity mirror was the first public newspaper to print coloured pictures in England over 70 years ago. 
2.) Trinity mirror owns a cohort of newspapers. The metro and the gazette is manufactured by trinity mirror. 
3.) piers Morgan used to work for them in 1994. 

The Walt Disney Company:
1.)  was founded by two brothers Roy O. Disney and Walt Disney. 
2.) In my opinion Disney is the best at using synergy. This is because of items and collections such as "High School Musical (1,2 and 3) High School musical the game, the tshirt and so on. 
3.)  Disney conglomerate works on all different products such as Cable television. Publishing, films, music, video games, theme parks and web portals. All this attracts a large income as they promote their own products as advertising. 

1.) Comcast are known for the likes behind NBC, the Cable box to access a wide variety of shows and even have their own version of Google stick. 
2.) they offer a service a like sky were you can get package deals exclusive to what you like meaning to don't pay for what you don't  watch. 
3.) it was founded in 1963 by Daniel Aaron, Ralph J. Roberts and Julian A. Brodsky. 

Friday, 25 September 2015

Media Lighting Analysis:

Still Number 1:
Still one is a low key lighting i can tell this from the shadows, by this I mean there is a lot of shadows on her face which means it is low key and is not using all the lights available. The lighting is top lighting. this lighting emphasises the smoke as it lights it up more and makes it white where the light hits it as where there is no light the smoke is blue and blends in with the background. But where the smoke is hit by the light it turns white which contrasts with the dark background.

Still Number 2:
This is an example of High-Key Lighting. The lighting is coming from an natural source (Outside) and is going through the curtains to show naturalism. This is an example of back lighting as it is coming from the back (Back Right). This lighting creates a deep mood. it makes it look very intimate as the lighting is fixed on them kissing.
Still Number 3:

This is another example of High-Key Lighting as the only shadows there are are on his face (in particular around his eye lids, eye brows and eyes). By doing this, it creates a sense of power as his eyes are darkened which show strength and authority. The crown doesn't have a shadow which shows purity although his eyes do which could show some sort of corruption.

Still Number 4:
In this picture they are using Low-Key Lighting to show a emotionally dramatic effect. On the actress there is top lighting which also makes her look pretty (Suggesting she's a important / famous movie star who wants to keep her status) This kinda looks like the chiaroscuro effect but not too much.

Still Number 5:
Still 5's image has a use of low key lighting and also under lighting.
As the man (Bruce Willis) has shadows covering half of his face which may suggest that he has two sides to who. One represented in the picture and one unrepresented. This creates a sense of mystery as (in this picture) Bruce Willis looks like a superhero by the way he is positioned.  

Still 6:
In this image ,there is low key lighting as there is the chiaroscuro effect ( a strong contrast between light and dark to create an certain feeling ). By doing this in this picture it creates a sense of freight and anxiety as by the way she is positioned she looks like she has just been jumped.

   Still 7: 
Still 7 has great use of Low-Key lighting . The back lighting behind the men creates silhouettes of there shadows. because the lighting is behind them, the shadows are bigger than them because of the way they are positioned.This creates a tense  environment as you can not see there facial expressions but only there body posturer and their shadows.

Still 8:
In this still, the lighting is Low-Key Lighting. This is shown by having almost all of the picture dark black and only some natural lighting coming from behind the actor to show shock. Not only this, there is some reflections coming off the wall in the form of rays of lights or sidewards blinds.

Friday, 18 September 2015

A bit about myself and why I chose Media A Level

I am studying a level media because I didn't pass last year - I am retaking. However, I did pick media studies in year 11 because I found that it's actually a subject that I can like all the way throughout. Whether it's with the timed assessments or the coursework that is grouped and singularly completed. It was a funny subject at G.C.S.E level which I attend a B in. I'm hoping this year goes better than the last because I would like to study media at university.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Reebok Image Analysis

  • Colour scheme: - The colours used in this poster are grey and black. If you look at his hat and the top half of his T-Shirts it is in a camouflaged top. This not only goes with his rap persona of being low key but also fits in with his music. This goes with the black and grey colour scheme of the poster. These colours give an urban and gritty feel which symbolise 50 Cent's and Reebok's target audience which is known for the gritty street style. 
  • Composition: - The image of 50 Cent (a well-established and modern rapper) is placed to the side next to the quote to show that 50 Cent can accept who he is as his quote   This not only improves 50 Cent's image and status but also reflects how the brand is also well-established. The phrases "no plan b" is the quote emphasises how Reebok, as a brand, are down for business.
  • Medium close- up shot of his face: - The camera shot clearly focuses on the expression of the central image which is of 50 Cent. By doing this, they have moved the central image more to the left than the right. This is odd because most of the time the central image is central but slightly to the right. However, this shows the quote ''I Am Who I Am" instead of him which in itself is his finger prints. By doing this Reebok are going to the core of the picture by using his fingerprints showing how deep the meaning of it is within the picture.
  • The dominant readings Reebok would've like to have successfully given out is that they are a successful, strong brand that have stood the test of time by being original and independent. This is an accurate representation of the brand and it is appropriate for Reebok to have 50 Cent as the cover poster model because he also represents the brand values as well. 
  • The oppositional readings are that they had a black male rapper on the cover of a shoe company with the tag line misspelled and a picture of fingerprints. this could connote something bad such as 50's past - being shot 9 times and still surviving.