Friday, 9 October 2015

Feedback from Mr Halsey About My Blog:

Mr Halsey's feedback:

WWW: I've been impressed this year with your attendance and engagement despite taking the course for a second time – that was a major concern for me and your first month has been very good in lessons.

EBI: However, Your blogs are not right. This year, you need two blogs – one for each side of the course. I honestly think your best bet is to create two completely new blogs so you’re not tempted to re-post work when the going gets tough. Your MEST1 blog will contain all the work for me and MEST2 everything for Mr Bush. Sort this out as a matter of urgency so we can then easily check you are keeping up with all the tasks.

LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. 
What is your strongest piece of work so far? 
What is your weakest?
What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

1.)What is your strongest piece of work so far?
My strongest piece of work is the homework and class work. We had to complete the  100-10-1 (Dyer's Lines of appeal) Homework task Which is basically where you look at a brand or a company and discuss what you associate and think about when the brand is mentioned. This was difficult because I chose some brands I didn't know much about and still went on and exceeded what was asked. 

2.)What is your weakest?
My weakest piece of writing is the Introduction to Media task. This is only because I didn't have much to say as I had covered what I had needed in minimal words. This is because it was the first task of the year and I wasn't as motivated as I am today. 

3.)What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
Over the course of the next year I need to learn how to develop my points with the correct vocabulary in the sense that I am not using the right media terminology. I can improve on this and develop in what it needs to be by writing down all the points that have been said and taking note on the key words. To add on to this, I am going to start highlighting key words that are important so I can refer to them later. 

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